After covering the NetShelf setup in Datrium DVX 101 – NetShelf Setup a few weeks back, it is time to cover the host setup.
In order to add an ESXi host to a Datrium DVX, it has to meet the following requirements:
- ESXi 5.5 U2 or later
- Minimum of 2 cores for the Datrium Hyperdriver
- Minimum of 7.5 GiB memory for the Datrium Hyperdriver
- ~2.5 GiB memory for each additional terabyte of flash
- At least one 800 GB SSD or 2x 400 GB SSDs
The actual process of adding a host to the Datrium DVX is easy and only a few mouse-clicks away.
- Open the Datrium GUI within the vSphere Web-Client
- Browse to Hosts and Clusters and select the host you would like to set up
- Go to Monitor -> Datrium DVX and hit Install
- Once the Hyperdriver has been installed, you need to select your SSDs and click on Configure host to finish the setup
depending on the number of SSDs and size, this might take a few minutes - After the successful configuration of the SSDs and the mounting of the DVX datastore, the main GUI is going to load and you can start to use your new host