Datrium DVX 101 – Adding Hosts

After covering the NetShelf setup in Datrium DVX 101 – NetShelf Setup a few weeks back, it is time to cover the host setup.

In order to add an ESXi host to a Datrium DVX, it has to meet the following requirements:

  • ESXi 5.5 U2 or later
  • Minimum of 2 cores for the Datrium Hyperdriver
  • Minimum of 7.5 GiB memory for the Datrium Hyperdriver
    • ~2.5 GiB memory for each additional terabyte of flash
  • At least one 800 GB SSD or 2x 400 GB SSDs

The actual process of adding a host to the Datrium DVX is easy and only a few mouse-clicks away.

  1. Open the Datrium GUI within the vSphere Web-Client
  2. Browse to Hosts and Clusters and select the host you would like to set up
  3. Go to Monitor -> Datrium DVX and hit Install
    Datrium Host Setup 1 Continue reading “Datrium DVX 101 – Adding Hosts”