Common Commands For Cumulus OS

In my previous blog post Install Cumulus OS On A Quanta T3048-LY2R SwitchI covered the installation process of Cumulus OS via ONIE, Open Network Install Environment.

After I installed the OS on my switch, I started to configure it. The configuration is basically the same as configuring a Debian Linux system. Obviously there are some additional features but compared on a high level, that’s what it basically is. The following commands should come in handy while managing your switch:

Note: ifconfig has been deprecated in favor of iproute2 tools

Eth0 is used as the management interface and swp-ports are the front-panel ports

show link status: ip link show
enable a port: ifup swp5
disable a port: ifdown swp5
show port configuration: ifquery swp5
display link information: sudo ethtool swp5
configure static IP for management interface: add the following to /etc/network/interfaces:
auto eth0
iface eth0
address <IP-address/subnet>
gateway <gateway-IP>
set duplex settings: add link-duplex <full | half> to /etc/network/interfaces. Needs to be specified per interface.
set jumbo frames: add "mtu 9216" to /etc/network/interfaces. Needs to be specified per interface.
configure SWP1 for VLAN 100: add the following to /etc/network/interfaces:
auto swp1
iface swp1
  bridge-pvid 100
show current status of all ports: netstat -i
change hostname: vi /etc/hostname & vi /etc/hosts
configure DNS: vi /etc/resolv.conf
set timezone: sudo tzconfg
set ntp: sudo vi /etc/ntp.conf & ntpd -q
show command history: history

I hope this list of commands comes in handy for some you.