vSphere Performance Tips And Tricks

Setting up your vSphere environment became easier over the last couple of year but a lot has changed from vSphere 4.0 to vSphere 6.0. In this article I will provide vSphere performance tips and tricks, which will be applicable to vSphere 5.5 and vSphere 6.0.



  1. To get the best performance out of your vSphere Web-Client, use Google Chrome.
  2. Have vCenter hosted on a SSD or some low latency storage to have a pleasant experience.
  3. Ensure that Hyper-Threading is enabled, vSphere fully understands and uses it.
  4. Disable any power-saving features in the BIOS of your servers. Power-saving modes might cut the available compute resources.
  5. Use VMXNET3 driver on all your VMs. VMXNET3 is the only network driver which gets actively maintained by VMware.
  6. If you’re running 1GB vmnics, you might saturate the link and create a bottleneck. Monitor the average throughput on your vmnics and consider upgrading to 10GB.
  7. Be aware that there is no performance advantage of using RDMs, VMDKs or iSCSI direct-attached drives. Avoid RDM if possible. It is an administrative nightmare.
  8. When using iSCSI, make sure to configure port-binding properly.
  9. If you run jumbo frames, test the configuration. You would be surprised how many people mis-configure jumbo frames from end to end.
  10. For performance troubleshooting, look at ESXTOP. Here is a good article about it.
  11. Follow VMwares performance blog for up to date tips and tricks.
  12. Enable DRS & SDRS to utilize your cluster resources efficiently.


Note: If you feel I’m missing some important tips & tricks, please comment on this port or engage me on twitter and I’ll add your suggestions.

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