For the NetShelf Setup, make sure you allocate a minimum of 3 IPs (floating, controller 1 & controller 2) for the data network or a total of 6 IPs if you plan to separate the management and data networks. The actual setup is very simple and takes only 2-3 minutes.
Serial port settings
Serial port speed: 115200
Data bits: 8
Spot bit: 1
Parity: None

Upon successful connection via serial cable, you will be presented with the Datrium DVX Setup Wizard. The wizard will guide you through the following areas:
DVX settings – 15 seconds
The wizard guides you through the following setup tasks: - DVX settings - Network configuration - vCenter Server registration Prompts show a suggested or existing value (if any) in [brackets]. Press ENTER to keep it. Type CTRL-C at anytime to exit from the wizard. Use 'config initial-setup' to run it again. Press ENTER to start... DVX SETTINGS To change the admin account password, type in the current password. To keep the existing password, press ENTER. Current password : Changing password for admin in dvx31 New password : Confirm password : Password for admin changed Enter the DVX name. DVX name [dvx31] : dvx31
Network configuration – 1:45 minutes
NETWORK SETUP Choose the network mode. (a) Static IP configuration (b) DHCP Mode {a|b} [a] : a Static IP configuration. Enter the global static gateway and domain name. Gateway [] : Domain name [] : Enter up to 3 DNS servers separated by spaces. DNS servers [] : Choose the port or failover pair for DATA traffic. (a) eth3 SFP+ No link (b) eth4 SFP+ No link (c) eth5 10G BaseT No link (d) eth6 10G BaseT Link (e) eth3 eth4 (failover pair) (f) eth5 eth6 (failover pair) Data ports {a|b|c|d|e|f} [d] : d eth6 Enter the DATA IP addresses and subnet mask. Floating IP [] : Controller1 IP [] : Controller2 IP [] : Subnet mask [] : Choose a network for management (MGMT) traffic. (a) Use dedicated mgmt network. (b) Use data network for mgmt traffic. Networks {a|b} [a] : a Use dedicated mgmt network. Choose the port or failover pair for MGMT traffic. (a) eth1 1G BaseT Link (b) eth2 1G BaseT No link (c) eth1 eth2 (failover pair) Mgmt ports {a|b|c} [a] : a eth1 Enter the MGMT IP addresses and subnet mask. Floating IP [] : Controller1 IP [] : Controller2 IP [] : Subnet mask [] : Confirm the network configuration. Mode : Static Gateway : Domain name : DNS servers : Data ports : eth6 Floating IP : Controller1 IP : Controller2 IP : Subnet mask : Mgmt traffic : Use dedicated mgmt network Mgmt ports : eth1 Floating IP : Controller1 IP : Controller2 IP : Subnet mask : Enter 'no' to redo the network configuration Apply network configuration {yes|no} : yes Your terminal session may be terminated. You will have 10 minutes to commit the network changes or the DVX will revert to the current configuration. Applying network configuration. May take several minutes... Commit network setup {yes|no} : yes Committing network setup
After the network settings have been set, the setup wizard will move on to
vCenter Server Registration – 21 seconds
VCENTER SERVER REGISTRATION vCenter Server support-vcsa is registered with this DVX. If you register a new vCenter Server, the current one will be unregistered. Enter the vCenter Server IP address or DNS name. vCenter Server [support-vcsa] : Enter the user name and password. User name : root Password : Unregistering from vCenter: support-vcsa. Registering with vCenter... Successfully registered with vCenter. Datrium DVX initial setup finished! To access the Datrium Graphical User Interface: 1) If you are already logged in vSphere Web Client, log out. 2) Log back into the vSphere Web Client. 3) Click the Datrium icon in the Web Client home page. To complete the DVX setup in the GUI: 1) Click on 'Configure DVX' for additional settings. 2) Click on 'Configure hosts' to add hosts to the DVX.
The NetShelf is now set up and ready to be used in under 3 minutes.
In the next post, I will go over adding hosts to the Datrium DVX.
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