I Am A VMware vExpert 2015

VMware vExpert Badge

Roughly four years ago, beginning of 2011, I had heard the first time of VMware recognizing fellow virtualization enthusiasts as vExperts. From the day I had heard about it, I knew, I want to be part of it.

Back in 2011, my job did not allow me to focus, as much as I wanted, on computer, server and datacenter virtualization. So, I used my spare time studying the VMware documentations and help my colleagues with VMware related questions.

In August 2012, I then started my new job with Nimble Storage (I’m no longer with Nimble Storage) and became quickly the go-to guy for any virtualization questions, not just VMware. I covered Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware ESXi and OpenStack. My passion, however, was with VMware’s vSphere Suite. Yes, there is Microsoft Hyper-V, yes there is Citrix XenServer and yes, even OpenStack is becoming popular nowadays. But, if we are honest, we know that VMware is the market leader in desktop, server and datacenter virtualization and we all know why. We just love their products, because they get the job done!

So while providing some virtualization classes to my ex-colleagues at Nimble Storage, someone mentioned the VMware vExperts program again. As soon as I heard vExperts, I decided, I have to become one and I have to start focusing on it.

Basically, this is how www.MindTheVirt.com was created.  I created this blog to help fellow virtualization enthusiasts and people who are new to virtualization. Part of my goals was to become VMware vExpert 2015. And here we go! Check out the official VMware vExpert 2015 batch. I am proud to be one of many vExperts and I hope to keep this title for some years and share my knowledge with as many people as possible.


For the people who do not know what VMware vExperts are, please find the description below:

The VMware vExpert program is VMware’s global evangelism and advocacy program. The program is designed to put VMware’s marketing resources towards your advocacy efforts. Promotion of your articles, exposure at our global events, co-op advertising, traffic analysis, and early access to beta programs and VMware’s roadmap. VMware will provide you with a unique vExpert id that will allow insights into analytics to help understand customer trends to assist you and keep your advocacy activities on track.

The awards are for individuals, not companies, and last for one year. Employees of both customers and partners can receive the awards. In the application, we consider activities from the previous year as well as the current year’s activities in determining who gets awards. We look to see that not only were you active but are still active in the path you chose to apply for.